Laser Photonics Announces Annual Report Filing to SEC

Orlando, FL, April 6, 2022 – Laser Photonics Corp., a leading industrial company in laser cleaning and blasting, filed annual report on Form 10K with SEC, highlighting its financial results for the year ending December 31, 2021.
The company reported 100% revenue growth in 2021 in comparison with the previous year.
“Our second-year growth has validated our application of Laser Photonics’ technology not only in North America but in Japan, Mexico, South America and Australia. We will continue to extend our brand and technology into new nations and territories,” President of Laser Photonics, Mr. Wayne Tupuola stated. “We have had a significant response from major branches of the U.S. Government and Defense industry, which includes MRO, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard, Space Exploration agencies and companies with our technology.”
About Laser Photonics Corporation
Laser Photonics Corp is pioneering a new generation of laser blasting technologies focused on disrupting the sandblasting and abrasives blasting markets. We offer a full portfolio of integrated laser blasting solutions for corrosion control, rust removal, de-coating, pre-welding and post-welding, laser cleaning and surface conditioning. Our solutions span use cases throughout product lifecycles, from product fabrication to maintenance and repair, as well as aftermarket operations. Our laser blasting solutions are applicable in every industry dealing with materials processing, including automotive, aerospace, healthcare, consumer products, shipbuilding, aerospace, heavy industry, machine manufacturing, nuclear maintenance and de-commissioning and surface coating.
Our vertically integrated operations allow us to reduce development and advanced laser equipment manufacturing time, offer better prices, control quality and protect our proprietary knowhow and technology compared to other laser cleaning companies and companies with competing technologies. For more information, visit
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