According to the manufacturer, enclosed robotic laser parts cleaning systems can safely remove rust and contamination—and they can condition surfaces at dramatically higher volumes—at lower cost
than conventional methods.
By Del Williams
Today, advancements in industrial laser cleaning automation show great promise in boosting productivity and safety when rust and contaminant removal or surface preparation is required for higher volumes of components and equipment.
Specifically, combining lasers and advanced robotics within enclosed work cells enables operators to efficiently and repeatedly clean components of different sizes, shapes, and materials on a level said
to be previously unattainable through manual methods. “Automated laser cleaning systems are designed to cost-effectively clean high volumes of even the largest format parts and equipment, and can be tailored to suit the size and complexity of the parts, while eliminating concerns over operator safety,” said Wayne Tupuola, CEO of Orlando, Florida-based Laser Photonics, a global industrial developer of laser systems for cleaning and other material processing applications. Industrial manufacturers frequently
need to remove corrosion, grease, residue, and old coatings—or roughen the surface of metals—prior to coating components and equipment.
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